Running List Of Companies Helping Our Local Communities During COVID-19.
We hear about companies doing “good” in communities all the time, but what’s reported is mostly surface level. These stories are great, but do we truly know the impact they had on their community or the economy?
It never fails to amaze me how much entrepreneurship and business can impact a community, let alone a full-blown economy. As we’re all aware, COVID-19 has put our society, local communities and economy into a shock.
I’m based in Denver, Colorado where we are nearing 200+ cases of the COVID-19. Therefore, our state is on high alert and we’ve implemented a strong social distancing policy, which of course, directly impacts businesses. Bars, restaurants, and many gyms are closed from now until May 11th. There’s a no “sit and stay” policy across the state. I’ve never seen business and money just “pause” like this. It’s incredible and still a little unreal to me.
I’m creating a running list of companies that are directly helping their communities’ during this crisis. Which in return, in their own way, will help local economies. I want to shed light on the GOOD businesses that are helping out in a major time of need with their sphere of influence and their ability to evolve their model.
My intent is to start this list, in hope that you guys read and share this article, and we can update this list on a weekly basis highlighting those companies out there. Please email me directly any businesses or entrepreneurs that should be added to this list.
Tony’s Meat Market:
The first business I want to highlight is Tony’s Meat Market. As a meat market, they fall under the branch of “businesses allowed to stay open” since they provide direct need to the community.
What caught my attention about Tony’s Meat Market is they are the first business I’ve heard about that’s offering dedicated shopping hours for seniors. As we know, this is our most vulnerable population, so it’s critical we give them the safety and space they need to shop.
The reason I LOVE this idea is because it’s solution based and practical and more than anything it’s serving our most at risk community, seniors. This idea was simple but creative. Fucking great work Tony’s!
You can read the full announcement from Tony’s CEO, Daniel Roscci, here.
DoorDash Food Delivery:
With city food restrictions strongly in-place across the country one of the ONLY revenue options left for many restaurants is take out and delivery. DoorDash, the leader in the gig economy when it comes to takeout and delivery, has stepped up to the plate this past week.
DoorDash CEO, Tony Xu, announced in a blog post yesterday that independent restaurants across the United States, Australia, Canada and Puerto Rico won’t have to pay commissions to DoorDash through April.
What this means is independent restaurants will have higher profit margins on their takeout and delivery orders. This might not sound like much, but when you can increase a business’s ONLY revenue stream in the most micro-way, it’s a game changer. This is a quick revenue pressure valve that will help keep cashflow strong during trying times for restaurants.
DoorDash knows they are in a unique position where they will benefit from these restrictions as it will force restaurants to go with full takeout options. This is a prompt, solution based pivot from an industry leader that will help businesses right away and put money back in their pocket. It’s a true win/win scenario.
If you’ve followed me for any amount of time you probably know my passion is for the underdog. I love small business. It’s what I know. It’s who I am. With that said, there are a few big business players I have to call out that have stepped up in this time of need.
Broadband and Telecommunications:
AT&T, Comcast, Charter, Cox, Google Fiber, Sprint, Verizon and T-Mobile, signed a pledge last week to postpone termination of services for the next 60 days for customers unable to pay their bills because of the outbreak.
Disney announced earlier this week they are releasing Frozen 2 earlier than expected. With families and children now locked in home nearly full-time, Disney knows how important entertainment will be.
The much anticipated release of Frozen 2 on Disney was scheduled for June 2nd. That has now been pushed up. Kudos to Disney for doing something so minor and simple in regards to their business that will give good entertainment for families around the country.
I can’t believe I’m even putting this in here, but they’re doing their part. They have offered free premium streaming services to all lockdown countries like France, Spain and Italy. This just shows that any business, in any industry, can step-up in their own way.
What Small Businesses Am I Missing?
There are a ton of small businesses out there doing good for their community. It’s time to highlight them. This might be the only time we hear of these businesses, and they deserve the spotlight.
For bigger companies, similar to what I’ve listed, Forbes put out a good list which you can read here.
I look forward to sharing and reading more stories on small business and entrepreneurs doing good in their communities. My only call to action today is simple: Comment on a business doing good and give them some love.